This scientific experimentation unit is intended as an exploration of creative ideas in scientific experimentation and exploration for all ages and all abilities. The Tic-Tac-Toe tables below are divided into Gardner's intelligences but you will notice the tables are repeated 4 times. This is to allow learners to pick and choose from beginner, emergent, capable or advanced activities depending on their skills in each of the skill areas.
Beginner Exploration of Scientific Experimentation
Language (Written)
Musical |
Language (Spoken)
Learn Now BC!
Interpersonal |
Intrapersonal |
Naturalistic |
Emergent Exploration of Scientific Experimentation
Language (Written)
Ideas for Projects
Logical-Mathematical |
Musical |
Language (Spoken)
Learn Now BC!
Interpersonal |
Intrapersonal |
Naturalistic |
Capable Exploration of Scientific Experimentation
Advanced Exploration of Scientific Experimentation
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